Administrative system in the Early Byzantine period |
The administrative system in the Early Byzantine period was a continuation of the reforms begun by Diocletian (284-305) and continued by Constantine (324-337). These reforms significantly expanded the imperial bureaucracy while significantly reducing the size of the provinces. The main point of the administration was to provide the necessary security and financial needs of the empire. The Roman Empire, since the end of the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161-180) had faced nearly a century of crises,... |
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Administrative system in the Late Byzantine period |
Administrative system in the Middle Byzantine period |
Amalfitans in Constantinople |
Anabaptism (18th century) |
Anti-Greek riots of September 1955 in Constantinople (Istanbul) |
The attacks against the Constantinopolitan Greeks in September 1955 took place in the context formed by the tension in the Greek-Turkish relations in the middle of ’50s. The nationalistic outburst in Turkey because of the Cypriot question had already formed an explosive situation in Constantinople, which deteriorated after the news about the attack on the consulate of Turkey in Thessaloniki. Nowadays, almost all the researchers agree that the following extensive assaults begun on government’s... |
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Antigoni is the third largest island of the Prigkiponnisa. Its Greek population has recently dramatically reduced. Since the 19th century, the small fishing village of Antigoni developed into a significant resort for the urban middle-class Greek community of Constantinople. |
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Aqueduct of Valens (Bozdoğan Kemeri) |
Archeological research and excavations in Constantinople (Istanbul) |
Династија Анђела (1185-1204) |
После Дука и Комнина, породица Анђела је трећа византијска династија која је имала презиме. Реч је о роду који се релативно касно појавио и пробио у врхове ромејске аристократије. Константин Анђео, родоначелник ове породице, био је незнатног порекла и потицао из малоазијског града Филаделфије. Захваљујући пре свега својој лепоти, он се оженио ћерком цара Алексија I Комнина и тако је отпочео успон породице Анђела. Већ његови унуци Исак и Алексије били су византијски цареви. Династија Анђела... |
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