Late Byzantine religious architecture in Constantinople |
Συγγραφή : Bogdanović Jelena (4/3/2008) |
Για παραπομπή: Bogdanović Jelena , "Late Byzantine religious architecture in Constantinople", 2008, Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, Κωνσταντινούπολη URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=10893> |
Manuel Holobolos, Oratio in imperatorem Michaelem Palaeologum iii, ed. M. Treu, Manuelis Holoboli orationes (Potsdam 1907), pp. 84-7.
Nicephoros Gregoras, Historia, ed. I. Bekker and L. Schopen, Nicephori Gregorae historiae Byzantinae, vol. 2. Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae (Bonn 1830), pp. 1045.22-1046.2
Typikon of Theodora Palaeologina for the Monastery of Lips in Constantinople, ed. H. Delehaye, Deux typica byzantins de l’époque des Paléologues (Brussels 1921), pp. 106–36
«Philanthropos: Typikon of Irene Choumnaina Palaiologina for the Convent of Christ Philanthropos in Constantinople» in J. Thomas and A. Constantinides Hero (eds.), Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents: A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments. Dumbarton Oaks Studies 35 (Washington D.C. 2000), vol. 4, pp. 1383-1388