Two edifices have been known under the name Galata Tower in Byzantine Constantinople, although it is unclear if the one was built on the site of the other or if they were two indipendent structures. The first Tower of Galata is recorded in the accounts of the siege of Constantinople by the crusaders of the Fourth Crusade from June 1203 untill the 12th of April 1204. The second was built by Genoese in 1348 and was part of a fortress around the Genoese colony of Galata. It still stands today and... |
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George Sholaris (Gennadios II Sholarios) |
George (Gennadius) Scholares was a theologian and first patriarch of Constantinople during the Turkish occupation (1454-1456, 1463, 1464-1465). At first, he supported the union of the Churches and participated in the Synod of Florence (1439), but later he became a fervent opponent of the union. He mastered Latin language and respected Latin culture, especially Thomas Akinates. He was a great supporter of Aristotle. |
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One of the last Byzantine historians, state official, associate of the last three Byzantine emperors and writer of the Chronicon Minus that records the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans. |
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George Zarifis was one of the most successful businessmen in Constantinople, very active in banking domain and in joint stock companies. At the same time, he took action in the funding of education and charity. |
Glass-working in Constantinople |
Byzantine glass findings originating from Constantinople have been detected, so far, in St Polyeuktos (Saraçhane) and in the monasteries of Pantokrator (Zeyrek Camii) and Chora (Kariye Camii). A large number of valuable enamel and glass-decorated objects, possibly from the Byzantine capital, can be seen in collections and museums all over the world. However, insufficient written evidence, as well as inadequate excavation findings, does not allow us to form a complete image on glass-working... |
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The Golden Gate is a portal near the southern end of Theodosius II's Land Walls of Constantinople. Not a normal city gate, it was the entry point for the triumphal processions of Byzantine Emperors into their capital, and, in later times, the basis for a fortress. |
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Golden Horn (fortifications, harbors, development) |
Генуезци в Константинопол |
През ХІІ в. на генуезките търговци, както и на търговците от Венеция и Пиза, са биват предоставени привилигии и правото на квартал Константинопол. При управлението на Комнините генуезката колония се намира на южния бряг на Златния рог. През периода от 1267 г. до 1682 г. колонията на генуезците процъфтява на северния бряг на залива – в Галата-Пера, като се превръща в основно търговско средище за търговците от Генуа и другите италиански републики. Крепостната стена и кулите, както и някои... |
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