Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Constantinople FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Heraclian dynasty (610-711)

Author(s) : Dale de Lee Benjamin (1/7/2008)

For citation: Dale de Lee Benjamin , "Heraclian dynasty (610-711)", 2008,
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Constantinople
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=10923>

Heraclian dynasty (610-711) (20/7/2009 v.1) Ηρακλειδών δυναστεία (610-711) (20/2/2012 v.1) 




The Heraclian dynasty lasted from the coronation of Herakleios in 610 until the death of Justinian II in 711. The Heraclian century was one of the most turbulent in Byzantine history, and few of the family members died peacefully or of natural causes. Still, the emperors of the dynasty were able to successfully govern the empire through wars with the Sassanids, the rise and conquest of the Arabs, a faltering economy and disruptive theological controversies. They succeeded in reaching a new settlement with political realities, and in securing succession from one generation to the next.

Main Role

emperors (610-711)


Entry's identity

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