Byzantine scholars and nobles in Constaninople after the Ottoman conquest |
Capital levy "varlık vergisi" in Istanbul |
The law on Capital Levy was debated and approved by the Turkish parliament on 11 November 1942. It was clearly an important legislation, not only from an economic, but also from a political and cultural point of view. It was apparent to taxpayers that the tax was ‘anti-Minority’ legislation par excellence. According to the law, those taxpayers who were unable to pay their tax within one month began to be sent to labour camps with the aim of performing physical labour and working off their taxes. |
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Communal organization of the Greek-Orthodox in Constantinople, 1839-1923 |
Presentation of the communal organization of the Greek-Orthodox population in Constantinople from the beginning of the reform era (Tanzimât) until the signing of the Lausanne Treaty. |
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Constantinopolitans and their associations in Greece |
Constantinopolitan refugees arrived en masse in Greece between 1922 and 1923, as well as after the 1964 expulsions. They stood out with their cosmopolitan ways and multilingualism. They mainly practiced urban professions and largely abstained from political involvement. These associations firstly contributed to covering the pressing needs for housing, finding jobs and naturalization. With their organizations and activities, they cultivated the Constantinopolitan ethno-local identity. Nowadays,... |
European diplomats in Constantinople |
European merchants in Constantinople |
European travellers in Constantinople |
Freemasons in Constantinople |
Fringe groups in Ottoman Constantinople (Istanbul) |
The presentation of “marginal” groups in Istanbul (Constantinople) includes the analysis of delinquent behaviour of several social strata during that time, as well as the analysis of the main beliefs on morals and delinquency. |
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Levantiner in Konstantinopel |
Der Terminus "Levantiner" wird erst in jüngster Zeit von der Forschung in einheitlicher Form verwendet worden. Im 19. Jhd. kristallisierte sich eine Verengung des Begriffs heraus, der nicht mehr alle nichtmuslimischen Bewohner ostmittelmeerischer Hafenstädte bezeichnet, sondern nur noch die überwiegend europäischstämmigen Katholiken des römischen Ritus. Die Genese der Levantiner erstreckt sich über mehrere Jahrhunderte und blieb bis zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ein äußerst dynamischer Prozess. |
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