Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Constantinople FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Palace of Magnaura

Author(s) : Kostenec Jan (4/6/2008)

For citation: Kostenec Jan, "Palace of Magnaura", 2008,
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Constantinople
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=12436>

Palace of Magnaura (12/7/2011 v.1) Παλάτι Μαγναύρας (12/7/2011 v.1) 




The Magnaura served as an audience hall in the Great Palace of the Byzantine emperors in the Middle Byzantine period and was situated near the Chalke, the main gate of the Great Palace. First mentioned in 531, it may have been originally the Senate House or a reception hall of the magister officiorum’s praetorium, the official residence of the head of the civil service of the empire in the Early Byzantine period, situated in the Palace. The Magnaura is last mentioned in the tenth-century compilation of court ceremonies (De Cerimoniis).

Topographical Location

Great Palace, east of the Augustaion and north-east of the Chalke

Geographical Location

Constantinople, Istanbul


6th c. - last mentioned: 10th c.


Entry's identity

press image to open photo library
