Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Constantinople FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Myrelaion Monastery (Bodrum Camii)

Author(s) : Fafalios Markos (7/30/2007)
Translation : Andriopoulou Vera (10/29/2008)

For citation: Fafalios Markos, "Myrelaion Monastery (Bodrum Camii)", 2008,
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Constantinople
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=11766>

Μονή Μυρελαίου (Μποντρούμ Τζαμί) (7/16/2009 v.1) Myrelaion Monastery (Bodrum Camii) (7/15/2007 v.1) 

Chronological Table


920-922 (beginning): Emperor Romanos I founds the Myrelaion monastery and builds the katholikon.

922: Empress Theodora, wife of Romanos I is buried in Myrelaion.

931: The co-emperor Christophoros, eldest son of Romanos I is buried in Myrelaion.

946: Constantine, son of Romanos I, is buried in Myrelaion, in the same tomb with his wife Helena, who had died six years earlier.

948: Romanos’ remains are transferred to Myrelaio from the island of Prote.

961: Empress Helena, wife of Constantine VII Porphyrogennitos and daughter of Romanos I, is buried near her family in Myrelaion.

1059: Aikaterine, wife of Isaak I Komnenos and his daughter Maria retire to the Monastery of Myrelaion.

1087: Anna Dalassene offers Leros as a metochi to the Monastery of Myrelaion.

1203: The monastery of Myrelaion suffers extensive damage due to fire.

Ca. 1300: The church is repaired and restored. The substructure is converted to an underground temple for burial purposes; it is decorated with frescoes.

Before 1315: The Myrelaion becomes a male monastery.

End of 15th century: The grand vizier Mesih Ali Paşa, descended from the Palaiologos family, converts the Myrelaion church into a mosque, named Bodrum Camii ή Mesih Ali Paşa Camii.

1784: The Myrelaion is extensively damaged by fire. Repairs conducted in the north side of the building.

1911: Extensive damage from fire.

1930: D. Talbot-Rice and Th. Macridy excavate near the monument.

1964-5: The Archaeological Museum of Constantinople oversees the restoration work. Excavation and study of the monument by C. L. Striker. The restoration process continues until the 1980s.


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