Byzantium 1200 | Column of Justininian
(Last visit: 7/6/2011)
3D reconstruction at the Byzantium 1200 project
Column of Justinian - Citizendia
(Last visit: 30/5/2011)
Constantinople Hippodrome obelisk
(Last visit: 2/9/2008)
Photos of the marble base of Theodosios I's obelisk in the hippodrome
Statue of Justinian
(Last visit: 30/5/2011)
Four fifteenth-century travellers look at the Statue of Justinian (Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, Pero Tafur, Giovan Maria Angiolello). Περιηγητές του 14ου αι. για τη στήλη του Ιουστινιανού (Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, Pero Tafur, Giovan Maria Angiolello)