Followers and supporters of patriarch Arsenios Autoreianos, who had excommunicated Michael VIII Palaiologos. Michael managed to get rid of Arsenios in 1265; from that time, Arsenios’ followers were at odds with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, refusing to recognize Arsenios’ successors to the patriarchal throne. Politically they supported the Lascarid dynasty and opposed the dynasty of the Palaiologoi. The dispute was resolved in 1310.
An ecclesiastical office attested from the 6th century and usually accorded to deacons. Chartophylax was responsible for the archives of the Church of Constantinople or other great provincial Churches, conservating the canonical records from both Oecumenical and local councils. By the 10th century, chartophylax had become head of the sekreton of chartophylakeion and a principal assistant to the Patriarch with increased functions, such as the examination of candidates to the priesthood and the right to represent the Patriarch in his absence even in the synod. Some monasteries also had a chartophylax, a monk with archival duties. In the years of Andronikos I, megas was added to the title which therefore became megas chartophylax.
endemousa synodos (permanent synod) of Constantinople
A consulting synod of ecclesiastic officials dwelling in Constantinople, convened every year in the capital to discuss current matters, the demands of bishops and prelates etc.
Great Church
The original name of the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. This appellation survived for a long time, used in parallel with that of "Hagia Sophia". By the 8th century the term was also applied to the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
megas oikonomos
High-ranking official of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. In the 11th century the epithet megas was attached to the title of oikonomos, who was responsible for managing the economics of the Great Church of Constantinople.
oikonomia (theol.)
Term which in Byzantine ecclesiastical literature denotes the canonical power of the Church used to loosen up the strictness of the ecclesiastical law, removing thus an impediment to salvation.
An ecclesiastical official of Constantinople. Between the 12th and the 15th century, the protekdikos was responsible for the protection of those who sought sanctuary in the church of Hagia Sophia.
sakellarios - sakellion
A Byzantine administrative term with two basic meanings: 1. The imperial treasury. A significant institution for administrative work and disbursement of funds. Connected with this are the offices of sakellarios (originally), chartulary of the sakelle (from the 9th c.), the sekreton of the sakellion, o epi sakelliou (the dignitary in charge since the 11th-12th c.). The "sakellarios" was, in all probability, the medieval name of the "tamias ton vasilikon chrematon" (royal treasurer).2. The treasury of the Great Church of Constantinople, i.e. Hagia Sophia. In the patriarchal sakelle were kept documents attesting to the property rights of the Patriarchate. In monasteries and lesser churches the corresponding title was megas sakellarios or "ho sakelliou".
skeuophylax (megas)
A cleric, usually a priest, whose main duty was to look after the sacred valuables and liturgical vessels of a church.
A political and ecclesiastical controversy that followed the fourth marriage of emperor Leo VI (886-912). Since his only male heir had been a product of this marriage, it was of vital importance to leo to have the marriage recognised, whereas to the Church this was unacceptable. The issue was finally resolved in the Council of Constantinople in 920.