αναλυτική αναζήτηση
Book of the Eparch
Συγγραφή : Radic Radivoj (23/1/2008) Μετάφραση : Radic Radivoj (20/8/2008)
Για παραπομπή: Radic Radivoj, "Book of the Eparch", 2008,Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, ΚωνσταντινούποληURL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=11805>
notary (lat. notarius) An official who registered transactions and certified documents.
novel (novella) Τerm meaning ad verbum "new decree" and used since around the 4th century in order to denote the provisions of the emperors as separate from the organized codes. They were written mainly in Greek and used extensively in the Middle Byzantine Era. Since the days of Komnenoi and after, they were replaced by other more specialized terms and they are very rare in the Late Byzantine era
praefectus urbi (prefect of the city) (later referred to as the eparch of the city) Αdministrator and virtual governor of Constantinople in the Early/Middle Byzantine Era. He was responsible for the surveillance and the harmonius life of the Capital. One of his responsibilities was to control the commercial and manufacturing activities of Constantinople. After 1204, however, the office began to diminish, while from the 14th century, his responsibilities were assumed by two officers, the so-called kephalatikeuontai of the capital.
1. Introduction
2. In Constantinople
3. The Manuscript
4. The Book of the Eparch
Δελτίο λήμματος
Βοηθ. Κατάλογοι
Σχετικά Έργα
Το έργου συγχρηματοδοτείται σε ποσοστό 80% από το Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης (ΕΤΠΑ) και κατά 20% από εθνικούς πόρους στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος "Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας" του Γ΄ ΚΠΣ.